• July 26, 2024

It Begins… Black Lives Matter Rioters Destroy Restaurants — Then Start Climbing on People’s Homes (VIDEO)

 It Begins… Black Lives Matter Rioters Destroy Restaurants — Then Start Climbing on People’s Homes (VIDEO)

The Democrat Party’s shock troops were back out in the streets today in major US cities.

According to the Washington Post, CNN and Fake News media these people are mostly peaceful.

The mob in Rochester tonight stormed restaurants, broke glass, flipped restaurant tables and screamed at frightened diners.

And later the BLM rioters started climbing on people’s homes!

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!

Black Lives Matter activists are now climbing onto people’s homes in Rochester. pic.twitter.com/JffhYf4nzf

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) September 5, 2020


Oh, hey, remember when @ADL smeared me as a racistwhitesupremacistconspiracytheorist for warning the mob was coming to suburbs, flyover country & white neighborhoods? I DO==>https://t.co/yqbzm2HyKMhttps://t.co/KvQ4Yzi8Vl

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 5, 2020

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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