• July 26, 2024

J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Can’t Walk, Suffers Life Threatening Condition In Solitary Confinment And Judge, Marshals, Guards Could Not Care Less

 J6 Political Prisoner Ryan Samsel Can’t Walk, Suffers Life Threatening Condition In Solitary Confinment And Judge, Marshals, Guards Could Not Care Less

January 6 political hostage Ryan Samsel could barely stand when he woke up on Thursday morning.

The same throbbing pain that pierced through his left arm in 2021, where doctors discovered blood clots, is surging through his massively swollen left leg.

Locked in the hole of the DC gulag, he calls the correctional officers for help begging to see a doctor to no avail.

The Supreme Court of the United States has long held that jails and prisons cannot deny essential medical care to people who are incarcerated, deeming medical deprivation to be cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

When Samsel realized he couldn’t stand on Monday, he screamed again for help asking to be taken to medical, but the nurse on duty was fast asleep and ignored his pleas.

The hole of the Washington DC Correctional Treatment Facility where January 6 defendants are held in unconstitutional pretrial custody is less restrictive than solitary confinement in other jails in prisons.

Inmates in the hole are allowed out of their ten-by-five dog cage size cell for about three hours a day and are allowed to step outside, into another small gage, for a few minutes to breathe in fresh air.

The limited movement is exacerbating Samsel’s deteriorating condition which he suspects is caused by another blood clot as the pain gets more severe by the day.

“I’m stuck in the bed because of the clot in my leg,” Samsel told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview. “I ask the guards to take me to medical nearly every day. They don’t care. It’s my judge who is at fault. I beg her, ‘Please, I’m really in pain!’ And she says nothing. She doesn’t care. She’s not going to do anything about it. I don’t know what else to do. I mean… I really don’t know what to do.

“She has denied the outside hospital recommendations. I’ve been to three hospitals. Before I was arrested, I was scheduled for surgery. At three jail hospitals, my file was marked ‘urgent,’ saying I needed surgery and blood thinners.

“I am dying little by little. I am in lockdown. I beg that you get the public to please call my Judge Jia Cobb, the DC Marshal or the jail. I can’t even walk. I need emergency medical attention along with the surgery that will help restore the blood

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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