• July 26, 2024

Jill Biden Becomes Victim of Poor Sign Placement During High School Visit in Utah

 Jill Biden Becomes Victim of Poor Sign Placement During High School Visit in Utah

First lady Jill Biden spoke to teachers and students at a high school in Utah on Tuesday, but the visit came with some unfortunate optics that apparently no one who organized the event considered beforehand.

The wife of President Joe Biden paid a visit to a school in West Valley City, a suburb of Salt Lake City.

The school chosen was Hunter High School.

She’s Here! @FLOTUS just arrived at Hunter High School to talk with teachers and students. @KSL5TVpic.twitter.com/u2aUzqQ1xC

— Dan Rascon (@TVDanRascon) January 16, 2024

Given that the first lady’s eldest stepchild, Hunter Biden, has become synonymous to millions of Americans with drug use, an image of her speaking behind a podium with the words “Hunter High” went viral on the social media platform X:

Jill Biden trying to distract from her comments about Hunter’s drug abuse, and ending up under a giant banner reading “Hunter High,” is straight out of a VEEP episode pic.twitter.com/8yy1yHqfvm

— Angela Morabito (@AngelaLMorabito) January 17, 2024

This is priceless. Jill Biden speaking to kids at “Hunter High.”

What staffer pulled that one [email protected]/7JgOX2Nklt

— Salty Steve (@lsutiger67) January 17, 2024

As someone who’s done a lot of “advance” work in politics, I’m really curious who screwed up & approved this podium sign for @FLOTUS. Either that or they’re trolling us. pic.twitter.com/UptR5qiigq

— William J. Smith (@WilliamJSmithJr) January 17,

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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