• July 26, 2024

Joe Biden Admits He Has No Support From Law Enforcement In 2020 (VIDEO)

 Joe Biden Admits He Has No Support From Law Enforcement In 2020 (VIDEO)

One of Trump’s strongest moments in the first presidential debate was when he confronted Biden about the fact that he has no support from law enforcement.

This week during a town hall event on NBC, Biden was asked about his plans for police, should he be elected.

Joe was forced to admit that he has no support from law enforcement in this election.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Biden Admits Law Enforcement No Longer Backs Him

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden admitted during an NBC town hall on Monday that he no longer has the support of law enforcement when confronted by the wife of a police officer.

The woman asked Biden to address the “troubling” movement to defund the police and how he would go about ensuring her husband’s safety. Biden dodged the question of safety, but pointed out that cops had supported him in the past.

“I have had overwhelming support from police my whole career up until this year,” he said.

The town hall came just days after the first presidential debate in which Biden failed to name a single law enforcement group that backed him.

See the video below:

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden admitted during an NBC town hall that he no longer has the support of law enforcement when questioned by the wife of a police officer.https://t.co/1zjsaZNnc5pic.twitter.com/v0GIjLLFZe

— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) October 6, 2020

During the same event, Biden advocated sensitivity training for police:

Joe Biden says that police officers should have “sensitivity training.” pic.twitter.com/LQO0IHwxLW

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 6, 2020

When it comes to policing, Biden has all the wrong ideas.

@JoeBiden just said he wants a psychologist with the police – to talk them out of using force.


— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) September 30, 2020

In Joe Biden’s America, we’d all be in danger.

Joe Biden does not have the backs of our police officers. pic.twitter.com/agi15sB5S5

— Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022) (@TeamTrump) October 1, 2020

Is there any wonder why Biden doesn’t have the support of police?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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