• September 10, 2024

Judicial Nominee Repeatedly Refuses to Say if Crime Should Be ‘Forgiven in the Name of Social Justice’

 Judicial Nominee Repeatedly Refuses to Say if Crime Should Be ‘Forgiven in the Name of Social Justice’

Anne Traum testifies Senate confirmation hearing. OBIDEN PUPPET

 By Craig Bannister | December 16, 2021

“I can’t vote for you – not if you’re not going to answer questions. I mean, that was embarrassing,” Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) told a Biden judicial nominee when she repeatedly refused to answer a simple, straightforward question during a confirmation hearing Wednesday.

For more than five minutes, to no avail, Sen. Kennedy asked Anne Traum, President Joe Biden’s nominee to be United States District Judge for the District of Nevada, the following question:

“Do you believe that a criminal act should be forgiven in the name of social justice?”

Traum obfuscated each time she was asked, twice replying. “I do not have a viewpoint to share.”

“I can tell you don’t want to share it. I got that part,” Kennedy responded, telling Traum that “I don’t understand why you won’t answer my question; if you’re confirmed, you’re going to be a federal judge.”

“I find it incredible that you won’t answer my question,” Sen. Kennedy said.

“I can’t vote for you – not if you’re not going to answer questions. I mean, that was embarrassing.”

Kennedy was finally able to get Traum to share her viewpoint on one issue: her favorite color (“Blue”).

“I got one – I’m one for about twenty,” Sen. Kennedy said, yielding his time.

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