• July 26, 2024

Kamala Has ‘Studied the Maps’

 Kamala Has ‘Studied the Maps’

She warns Israel of “consequences” if it destroys Hamas: “I am ruling out nothing.” NOW YOU KNOW HOW THIS POS CARES! SHE IS EVIL

She warns Israel of “consequences” if it destroys Hamas: “I am ruling out nothing.”


  1. Tony Rice says

    Kamala Harris is more under Obama’s control than Biden is, and he is to a large extent. Obama is THE power behind Biden’s throne.

  2. somehistory says

    She’s “ruling out nothing”? Who is she to say? Who is she to decide?

    Shouldn’t she be going on down to El Paso or Eagle Pass, or Tucson to get things straight on the Southern Border?

    I’m reminded of some words from a Mel Tillis song. “No one wants to go down to Tucson in the summer
    So this time the boss chose me…………
    Go on and send me down to Tucson and I’ll get the job done ”

    harris needs to get back to the ‘job’ her ‘boss’ gave her. Hordes are crossing the border and if she won’t stop that, she should face the “consequences.”
    She knows nothing about Israel, islam, mozlums and their goals of destruction
    Perhaps she could ‘study some maps’ of Texas and Az and NM and see what she can do there. Chinese are pouring across the border in CA, but she’s from there, so maybe she knows the maps already.

    harris is a lying loser, of the snake variety. Double Ugly to boot.

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