• September 9, 2024

King County, Washington Hired a Black Trans Dancer to STRIP At a Taxpayer-Funded Event – Seriously

 King County, Washington Hired a Black Trans Dancer to STRIP At a Taxpayer-Funded Event – Seriously

Brittany M. Hughes , @RealBrittHughes

Just a few weeks ago, we reported that a public library in King County, Washington, allowed a transgender woman perform a strip tease and lewd dance in front of children as young as toddlers.

Now, that same county hired a black transgender woman to get naked, give lap dances and forcibly kiss audience members at a fundraiser for homelessness paid for by tax dollars.

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Source .. https://www.mrctv.org/blog/king-county-washington-hired-black-trans-dancer-strip-taxpayer-funded-event-seriously 
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