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Kyle Rittenhouse launches initiative to combat ‘lies’ from media outlets, personalities

 Kyle Rittenhouse launches initiative to combat ‘lies’ from media outlets, personalities

Rittenhouse was acquitted on Nov. 19 on all charges in the shootings that killed two men and injured a third in Kenosha. © Mark Hertzberg/ZUMA Press Wire


February 22, 2022

Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year-old acquitted in the deadly shootings during last year’s unrest in Kenosha, Wis., said he plans to sue news organizations and personalities for spreading “lies” against him.

“Me and my team have decided to launch The Media Accountability Project as a tool to help fundraise and hold the media accountable for the lies they said and deal with them in court,” Rittenhouse said Monday on Fox News.

“I don’t want to see anybody else have to deal with what I went through,” he told Tucker Carlson, adding that he is looking “at quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes, Whoopi Goldberg’s on the list.”

He claimed that the co-host of “The View” called him a “murderer” despite him being found not guilty of all charges in the shootings that killed two men and injured a third on Aug. 25, 2020.

“She called me a ‘murderer’ after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. She went on to still say that,” he said. “And there’s others, don’t forget about Cenk [Uygur] from ‘The Young Turks.’ He called me a murderer before verdict and continues to call me a murderer.”

Kyle Rittenhouse Fox News
Rittenhouse went on Fox News to announce his “Media Accountability Project” on Monday night.
Fox News

Uygur, a political commentator and attorney, is the creator of the left-wing program, which is known for promoting progressive politics and left-wing ideas.

Rittenhouse added: “We’re going to hold everybody who lied about me accountable, such as everybody who lied and called me a white supremacist.”

Neither ABC News, which airs “The View,” nor “The Young Turks” responded to requests for comment, Fox News reported.

Kyle Rittenhouse Kenosha shooting
Prosecutors claimed that he “provoked everything” by bringing a rifle to the protests.
Adam Rogan/The Journal Times via AP, File
man shot during protest
A man is shot in the arm during a protest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Adrienne Lawrence, an attorney and host on “The Young Turks,” said in a tweet after Rittenhouse’s interview: “Did someone call Rittenhouse a ‘convicted murderer’?

“Because, to my knowledge, you can be a murderer factually, even if you’re legally acquitted. An acquittal doesn’t really change that one murdered another,” she added.

Rittenhouse was acquitted on Nov. 19 on all charges in the shootings that killed two men and injured a third in Kenosha.

He had been charged with homicide, attempted homicide and reckless endangerment in the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and the wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz, 27.

Anthony Huber
Anthony Huber died after being shot by Rittenhouse in August 2020.
Hannah Gittings via AP

His trial captivated and divided the nation as his defense attorneys argued that he had acted in self-defense, while prosecutors portrayed him as the instigator of the violence, claiming that he “provoked everything” by bringing a rifle to the protests.

If he had been convicted of first-degree homicide in Huber’s death, he could have been sentenced to life in prison.

In December, Rittenhouse said he wanted a showdown with President Biden to put him right for branding the teen a “white supremacist.”

Kyle Rittenhouse
Rittenhouse could have faced life in prison if convicted of first-degree homicide in Huber’s death.
© Mark Hertzberg/ZUMA Press Wire

“I would like to sit down with the president and have a conversation with him and tell him the facts of what happened,” the teen told conservative commentator Glenn Beck.


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