• July 26, 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘national divorce’ is already happening

 Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘national divorce’ is already happening

The “national divorce” that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been advocating appears to be happening organically.

A new analysis of Census Bureau data shows that since the 2020 election year, nearly 2.6 million have moved out of counties won by President Joe Biden and into those won by former President Donald Trump.


“More than 61% of the counties that voted for Biden in 2020 lost population, while 65% of Trump-supporting counties gained population,” the analysis from Issues and Insights said.

Greene, the right-leaning House influencer, has been calling for a red-blue “divorce” that would cool the nation’s political anger by keeping like-minded people together. She has not advocated any “civil war” and has gone out of her way to explain the continued need for a national government and military.

She told Secrets on Wednesday, “Whether we force a national divorce by legal means or not, the national divorce is already happening because conservative Americans will no longer tolerate the abuse, harassment, and hate by the Left.”

Greene added, “We have had enough of their ways, and most people don’t want their policies and disgusting social ideas shoved down our children’s throats.”

Issues and Insights said its analysis was a deep dive into the census data that have shown red states picking up population.

“What we found was striking: There has been a vast migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into those counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump,” the report said.

Some of the highlights:

  • “Of the 555 counties Biden won, 335 (or 61%) lost population due to internal migration, our analysis found. Of the 2,589 counties that Trump won, 1,675 (or 65%) gained population.”
  • In some blue states that lost population, red counties picked up new residents, while in some red states that saw gains, blue counties in those states lost population.

While the report is a strong indicator that people are already in a political divorce, Greene and Issues and Insights said it’s likely not a perfect divide and that liberals could be leaving for other reasons. And with their move into Trump counties, they could water down the GOP vote.

“The gains in Maricopa and Williamson counties are two exceptions that prove the rule — and provide a warning. Maricopa’s population increases are coming mostly from nearby California, as people break away from the one-party leftist state for a place with lower taxes, better schools, more jobs, and safer living conditions. Texas’s Williamson County is directly north of uber-liberal Travis County, home to Austin,” the analysis said.


“Here’s the warning: The population shifts have turned those two reliably red counties blue,” Issues and Insights said.

Greene explained that when blue voters move into red districts but continue to vote for Democrats, “that’s different than national divorce.”

She added, “It’s also a sign that Democratic voters are tired of the extreme Left and are moving to red districts as well, but not necessarily will vote Republican. So that could bode very badly for the 2024 presidential election or purple states and statewide races. What that could mean is our country will shift bluer. Tragically. But that could also lead to a hard swing to the Right in the future after everyone suffers enough.”

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