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Michigan lawmaker loses committee seats after suggesting violent protests during electoral vote

 Michigan lawmaker loses committee seats after suggesting violent protests during electoral vote

by Mike Brest, Breaking News Reporter |December 14, 2020

A Michigan lawmaker lost his committee assignments after implying protests that take place while the state casts their Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden could turn violent.
House Speaker Lee Chatfield and Speaker-elect Jason Wentworth, both Republicans, announced Rep. Gary Eisen was removed from his committee assignments on Monday for the remainder of the term due to his remarks, which came during an interview with WPHM Radio’s Paul Miller.
“We have been consistent in our position on issues of violence and intimidation in politics — it is never appropriate and never acceptable,” they said. “That applies to threats made toward public officials, and it must also apply when the public officials open the door to violent behavior and refuse to condemn it. We must do better.”
During the interview, Eisen was asked if he could guarantee it would be safe at the state Capitol given the state House and Senate chose to close their Lansing offices on Monday, citing “safety and security concerns” as presidential electors prepare to meet at the Capitol to certify their votes.
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He said, “No,” adding, “I don’t know, because what we’re doing today is uncharted. It hasn’t been done. It’s not me doing it, it’s the Michigan House … it’s the Michigan party. I’m just a witness.”
Eisen declined to provide specific information as to why it wouldn’t be safe but said, “I was warned that it’s going to be violence, going to be protests, and they asked me if I would assist today, and I said you know what, how can I not? That’s my job.”
Last week, a Democrat in the Michigan Legislature was removed from her committee assignments after appearing to threaten Trump supporters. State Rep. Cynthia Johnson warned in a Facebook Live, “So this is just a warning to you Trumpers: Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain’t playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough. And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay.”

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