• July 26, 2024

Missouri: Cops Protect Protesters Painting Blue Line Over Black Lives Matter Street Grafitti

 Missouri: Cops Protect Protesters Painting Blue Line Over Black Lives Matter Street Grafitti

In Missouri.. Cops protect citizens painting a blue line over BLM.. I hope this goes viral.. pic.twitter.com/mq6hVTvzpx



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(@AnnieGetHerGun) July 12, 2020

This was in Florissant, Missouri a suburb north of St. Louis City.

The protesters are painting over “Black Lives Matter” graffiti that was painted on the street in front of the Florissant police department.

Police in Florissant, Missouri, protecting people while they paint a blue line over a BLM street mural pic.twitter.com/EQtMeCKNoN

— David Parsons (@davidlparsons) June 20, 2020

The mob has been protesting in Florissant this week after the police drove over a man. The details are sketchy.

RT @replace_police: RT @replace_police: RT @PowellJohnW: Protests at Florissant Police Department tonight. #florissantpd#florissant#BlackLivesMattters#replacethepolicepic.twitter.com/AneORuNAPb

— replacethepolice (@replace_police) July 9, 2020

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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