• July 26, 2024

MSNBC Demands Attorney General Indict Trump and GOP Pols to ‘Help’ Democrats Win

Democrats like to complain that as president, Donald Trump sought to politicize the Justice Department. 

But on Tiffany Cross’s MSNBC show on Saturday morning, a blatant appeal was made to Biden’s Justice Department, and his Attorney General Merrick Garland, to “help” Democrats win the midterms by indicting Trump and Republican members of Congress. It doesn’t get much more politicized than that!

As Fernand Amandi, a Democrat pollster and adviser, and a regular on Tiffany Cross’s MSNBC show, put it, Democrats have “a wonderful story to tell,” but they need “help” from Garland and his Justice Department “to “disqualify” the Republican party.

Amandi was explicit as to whom he wants Garland and the DoJ to indict:

“[S]tart issuing indictments, not to the front line of Proud Boys and picknickers of January 6th that led an insurrection, but to the perpetrators of the crime, the Members of Congress who we now know through text messages were plotters, the ringleaders at the top echelon of the Republican party, up into and including the Republican president, Donald Trump.”

Orders issued, Merrick! Now get out there and do your job for the Democrats of “disqualifying” the opposition party by indicting them! 

A bit later, Amandi cast the upcoming midterms in the starkest terms, as a choice between “democracy and fascism.” And he conjured up an apocalyptic scenario wherein, if Republicans win the midterms, they will never relinquish power and democracy will be gone forever:

“If these Republicans gain control, they will not give it back. We will lose democracy . . . You may not see it again in your lifetime in this country.”

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party chairman comes on MSNBC to claimb the Republicans are pushing “fear” and “fraud.”

Cross, predictably, concurred:

“Yeah! I think that is the message that voters need to hear.”

On Tiffany Cross’s MSNBC show, Democrat pollster/consultant Fernand Amandi saying AG Merrick Garland and his Justice Department need to “help” the Democrats win the midterms by indicting Donald Trump and Republican congressmen, was sponsored in part by Intel, Dell, and GlaxoSmithKline, maker of Trelegy.  

Here’s the transcript.

The Cross Connection
10:38 am ET

FERNAND AMANDI: The Democrats have a wonderful story to tell. And I think it could be distilled to something as simple as: the Democrats saved your life. They saved your job. They saved the economy. And now they’re trying to save democracy from a Republican party that no longer believes [in] it. 

If they stick to that type of message, which is the theory of the case, the facts of the matter of what happened, and they get a little help, as Roland [Martin] said, taking that message all around the country, letting the race be dictated on these terms, I think this is a winning message. 

Let me talk about the help, though. Because it’s one thing to try and disqualify a Republican party that no longer believes in democracy, but you need a little bit of help. If the Department of Justice, and the Attorney General Merrick Garland, do not start issuing indictments, not to the front line of Proud Boys and picknickers of January 6th that led an insurrection, but to the perpetrators of the crime, the Members of Congress who we now know through text messages were plotters, the ringleaders at the top echelon of the Republican party, up into an including the Republican president, Donald Trump, voters are not going to believe that, they’re gonna just think that it’s political back-and-forth. The Justice Department needs to hold the perpetrators accountable. The Democrats need to tell the truth. We saved your life. We saved your job. We’re trying now to save the economy and to save democracy. 

. . . 

And we know  they are trying to do everything in their power to save democracy. Because the choice here, and the selection is, democracy or fascism. 

If these Republicans gain control, they will not give it back. We will lose democracy. And if you lose democracy, it’s not the sort of thing that you get back. Oh well, we’ll hold it out in five years. You may not see it again in your lifetime in this country. 


AMANDI: They saved your life. They saved your job, the economy, and they’re trying to save democracy. Make the case. Like James Carville said, like Roland said, and like I’m saying. 

CROSS: Yeah! I think that is the message that voters need to hear.

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