• July 26, 2024

“Multiple Steps – Slow Walked at Direction of Department of Justice” – IRS Whistleblower in Hunter Biden Probe Goes Public, Speaks to CBS News (UPDATE: Full Video of Interview)

 “Multiple Steps – Slow Walked at Direction of Department of Justice” – IRS Whistleblower in Hunter Biden Probe Goes Public, Speaks to CBS News (UPDATE: Full Video of Interview)

The IRS whistleblower who went to Congress with claims the Justice Department interfered with a years-long high profile tax investigation–reported to involve Hunter Biden–has gone public, granting an interview with CBS News that aired Wednesday evening. (Update: Full video added at end of article.)

Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley, a 14-year IRS veteran, spoke to CBS two days before he is scheduled to give closed door testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday. Shapley, a registered Republican, says he is non-partisan in his work and does not make political contributions, telling CBS, “I’m just simply not a political person. This is a job, and my oath of office is to treat everybody fairly that we investigate.”

Shapley had fruitlessly gone to multiple in-house whistleblower channels at the IRS and DOJ before turning to Congress in frustration.

A second IRS whistleblower, a member of Shapley’s team, contacted Congress last week with similar concerns of DOJ interference.

Shapley’s attorney Mark Lytle informed Congress last week that Shaplry and his team of investigators had been abruptly pulled off the investigation on orders of the Justice Department.

CBS posted a brief clip of Shapley saying, “There was multiple steps that were slow walked at the direction of the Department of Justice.”

EXCLUSIVE: In his first interview, CBS News sat down with the IRS agent who is blowing the whistle on what he says was preferential treatment during a federal investigation that CBS has learned is tied to the president’s son, Hunter Biden, for possible tax crimes. pic.twitter.com/CUVjVVNsh2

— CBS Evening News (@CBSEveningNews) May 24, 2023

Excerpt from the CBS report online:

“There were multiple steps that were slow-walked — were just completely not done — at the direction of the Department of Justice,” said Gary Shapley, a 14-year veteran of the agency, who

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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