• July 26, 2024

NEW: Maricopa County Superior Court Order Sets Status Conference MONDAY to Consider Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Fraud Challenge and Potentially MORE – ORDER INCLUDED

 NEW: Maricopa County Superior Court Order Sets Status Conference MONDAY to Consider Kari Lake’s Signature Verification Fraud Challenge and Potentially MORE – ORDER INCLUDED

The Maricopa County Superior Court has set Monday, May 8, for a status conference in Kari Lake’s election lawsuit following the Arizona Supreme Court’s remand and a new Motion for Status Conference by Lake’s legal team.

“IT IS ORDERED setting a Status Conference on May 8, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. (30 minutes allotted) before Judge Peter A. Thompson. The parties and counsel may attend either in person or via Teams,” states the new minute entry.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, The Arizona Supreme Court ruled in Lake’s favor and remanded the “erroneous[ly]” dismissed signature verification fraud count back to the trial court for further review; however, Maricopa County still refuses to allow her legal team or We The People AZ Alliance to review ballot affidavit signatures from the 2022 Election. See examples of the fraudulent signatures accepted by Maricopa County here

The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday that the Arizona Supreme Court finalized its proceedings, confirming a previous order for the trial court and issuing bogus, meaningless sanctions for Lake’s attorneys over their factual claims. Attorneys for Lake then filed a Motion for Status Conference to expedite the Maricopa County Superior Court’s review.

Still, the Court denied Defendants’ attorneys’ fees and the sanction for just $2,000 to the Court was a joke.

Despite the massive news that Lake’s case is going back to the trial court for review of a previously dismissed count that the Supreme Court deemed “erroneous,” the Fake News Media is burying the lede with hardly any mention of this fact. Instead, the headlines read, “sanctions, sanctions, sanctions!” This could lead one to believe the Court only sanctioned Lake for political reasons and to help the media deceive the public.

The Gateway Pundit

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