• July 26, 2024

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Democracy Dies in ‘Disinformation Governance Boards’?

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is creating a “Disinformation Governance Board” and the liberal media doesn’t find it interesting…because it’s not directed at them. The new board’s boss, Nina Jankowicz, is a theatrical partisan who said Hunter Biden’s laptop was a “Trump campaign product.”

Brian Flood at Foxnews.com reported The New York Times and The Washington Post hasn’t reported any of this.

Liberal outlets don’t see this as a story because it seems all right and good to them. When you believe deeply that most Americans aren’t very smart and need to be guided by the smarter people, you get this. On the other hand, if the Trump administration had created a Disinformation Board, everyone knows they would have had one of their daily freakouts. 

This reflects today’s liberal mentality. They represent Information, and the conservative side is Disinformation. They represent Democracy, and the conservative side is Autocracy. It’s arrogant, but tidy. 

Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts. 

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