• July 26, 2024

New Poll Finds 38 Percent Of Voters Believe Joe Biden Has Dementia – Even 20 Percent Of Democrats

 New Poll Finds 38 Percent Of Voters Believe Joe Biden Has Dementia – Even 20 Percent Of Democrats

Joe Biden is not the man he used to be.

This is obvious to anyone who watches him try to string a sentence together these days.

A new poll confirms that people see this for what it is.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Poll: 20% of Democrats ‘think Biden has dementia,’ 38% among all voters

Joe Biden’s gaffes and mumblings are catching up to him with his own base of voters, with one-fifth believing he has dementia, according to a new survey.

Rasmussen Reports revealed in new data shared with Secrets that 20% of Democrats believe he suffers from the debilitating disease. Many more Republicans, 66%, agree.

Overall, 38% believe Biden has dementia, likely driven by his misstatements during speeches and Zoom events.

Seniors are the age group most likely to think Biden is suffering from dementia, said the Rasmussen analysis.

The report followed a Zogby poll that found 55% believe that the 77-year-old Democrat and former vice president is in the early stages of dementia. “Right now voters have questions concerning Biden’s mental health and stamina,” said the Zogby analysis.

CNS News has more on this:

Poll: 38% of Voters Believe Biden Has Dementia, 61% Want Him to Publicly Address Issue

While 38% said “yes,” Biden is suffering from dementia, slightly under half (48%) said “no” and 14% were “not sure.” Sixty-six percent (66%) of Republicans believe Biden has dementia – more than three times the percent of Democrats (20%) and greater than twice those with “other” political leanings (20%).

Likewise, while 61% of all voters said it’s important (41% “very important,” 20% “somewhat important”) for Biden to “address the dementia issue publicly,” Republicans were the most likely to consider it crucial. Among Republicans, 81% said it’s either very (65%) or somewhat (16%) important for Biden to publicly address the issue. In contrast, 51% of both Democrats and “other” voters said they view it as at least somewhat important.

Democrats and the media will try to downplay this issue right up to election day.

This poll shows the American people know the score.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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