• July 26, 2024

NY City Police Pelted by Mob with Ice Bottles and Projectiles After They Come to Rescue Little 11-Year-Old Girl from Assault in Harlem (VIDEO)

 NY City Police Pelted by Mob with Ice Bottles and Projectiles After They Come to Rescue Little 11-Year-Old Girl from Assault in Harlem (VIDEO)

An 11-year-old girl was beat, slapped, punched, kicked and shocked with a stun gun after she was assaulted by five other girls in Harlem last night.

The girl was beaten and bloody but the New York Post said police let the violence play out.

Wouldn’t you think the violent girls would get the blame for this?

The New York PD later responded to the media attacks with a video.

Despite one newspaper’s account, our officers who came to the assistance of an 11-year-old girl being assaulted in Harlem on Sunday did not stand by. They were met by a large crowd that hurled projectiles at them and had to reposition, then called for additional officers. pic.twitter.com/aeZ1zNnqrJ

— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) August 10, 2020

Mike Cernovich has it right.

Imagine if the mainstream news just reported honestly 20% of the time!

Think of what a change that would be.

Imagine the lies the press gets away with with no one is watching.

Is even 10% of “news” real? https://t.co/AKzpSzuZZQ

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 11, 2020

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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