• July 26, 2024

NY Times Hack Spouts Off After She Is Removed From Trump Michigan Rally — Then The Truth Comes Out

 NY Times Hack Spouts Off After She Is Removed From Trump Michigan Rally — Then The Truth Comes Out

New York Times hack Kathy Gray attended the Trump Michigan rally on Thursday night so she could take swipes at the president and his supporters.

Kathy Gray was tweeting out in the crowd “Not many masks.”

Crammed in crowd in the rain for trump rally in michigan. Not many masks pic.twitter.com/5DZ6JBVNK8

— Kathy Gray (@michpoligal) September 10, 2020

Kathy tweeted this out when Air Force One landed.

And so it begins pic.twitter.com/fuLY4oasjP

— Kathy Gray (@michpoligal) September 10, 2020

Then an hour later she tweeted out that she was kicked out of the rally.

I’ve just been kicked out of the trump rally.

— Kathy Gray (@michpoligal) September 10, 2020

Kathy added: “First for me: Trump campaign tracked me down from pics i tweeted and escorted me out.”

First for me: Trump campaign tracked me down from pics i tweeted and escorted me out.

— Kathy Gray (@michpoligal) September 10, 2020

Kathy Gray’s tweets were retweeted over 16,000 times.

Then the truth came out.

Kathy did not put in for press credentials.

She slipped into the press pool which, of course, is not allowed.

So she was escorted out of the rally when she would not follow directions.

Another fraud.

Is there something you want to tell us right now? pic.twitter.com/RZ6kJmG66h

— Mark Ashworth (@marklarflash) September 11, 2020

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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