• September 28, 2024

Sheila Jackson Lee arrested during voting protest in Washington

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, was arrested Thursday as she engaged in a voting protest in Washington, D.C. The congresswoman and others were standing in front of an entryway to the Senate Hart Building before officers with the Capitol Police instructed the group that it was their “third and final warning” to disperse from the area, according to video footage posted […]Read More

Mike Lindell pulls MyPillow ads from Fox News

by Jeremy Beaman, Breaking News Reporter | | July 29, 2021 MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said he directed the removal of his company’s advertisements from Fox News programming after the network declined to run one of his commercials. The ad he sought to have aired promotes his cyber symposium event that will discuss the 2020 election. Lindell has […]Read More

Chuck Schumer Says Climate Crisis Will Be Worse Than COVID

Do you remember when Democrats used to accuse Republicans of using the politics of fear to advance their agenda? Chuck Schumer doesn’t. He recently claimed that if the Democrat infrastructure bill isn’t passed, that climate change is going to be worse than COVID. That doesn’t even make sense. What does an infrastructure bill have to […]Read More

Los Angeles Unified School District will Require Weekly Covid Testing

Los Angeles Unified School District will require weekly Covid-19 testing for students and staff regardless of vaccination status. Children have virtually no chance of dying from the China virus, but here we are. “This is in accordance with the most recent guidance from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health,” LAUSD Interim Superintendent Megan […]Read More

MyPillow Founder Mike Lindell Pulls Ads from FOX News After

Popular conservative Mike Lindell pulled ads from FOX News this week after the once conservative network refused to run ads for his August election integrity conference. Mike Lindell’s Sioux Falls, South Dakota cyber composium is scheduled for August 10-12. ***To support Mike Lindell and benefit Gateway Pundit, go to MyPillow.com and use promo code “TGP” […]Read More

Biden Admin Takes Action Against Cuban Refugees In 21-Foot Vessel

The Biden administration this week announced the repatriation of more than two dozen Cuban refugees fleeing their country’s oppressive communist regime after they were caught attempting to navigate Florida waters. The 27 Cuban refugees were ordered to return even as waves of migrants from other parts of the world continue to enter through the country’s […]Read More

Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal CDC Coordinated with Facebook on

On Wednesday Judicial Watch announced the CDC coordinated with Facebook on COVID messaging and alleged “misinformation.” The CDC and Facebook targeted media outlets, mostly conservative, that posted any factual information that differed from the CDC propaganda. Via Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch announced today that it received 2,469 pages of new documents from the Centers for Disease […]Read More