• July 26, 2024

Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause More Illness than They Prevent”

 Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause More Illness than They Prevent”

Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause MORE ILLNESS than they Prevent” – After 3 Months, Pfizer Jab Recipients are 76.5% MORE LIKELY than the Unvaxxed to Contract Covid

Two newly released studies show that – after a brief period of moderate protection – the experimental Covid-19 vaccines actually end up causing more illness than they prevent – especially when it comes to new variants like the now-predominant, and highly-mild Omicron.

The first study, a pre-print that was released on MedRXiv by a team of researchers in Denmark, shows that the experimental vaccines provide absolutely zero protection against Omicron beginning two months after vaccination (which they refer to as “peak” protection).

After just three months, fully vaccinated individuals begin to experience sharp negative protection.Researchers found that those who received the Pfizer vaccine were an astounding 76.5% more likely to have a breakthrough infection than their unvaccinated counterparts once 90 days had passedthose who received Moderna’s were 39.3% more likely.

According to the study, the spread of the new Omicron variant was “likely” caused by “super-spreader events”“among young, vaccinated individuals.”

Only those who had taken a complete two-dose vaccination or a two-dose vaccination and a booster were counted as vaccinated in the study.

Somehow, the study’s authors still conclude that mass vaccination and the rollout of boosters is nessecary.

Take your booster, sheep.


I kid you not, the last line of the study is still “these findings highlight the need for massive rollout of vaccinations and booster vaccinations.”

— Ezra Levant

(@ezralevant) December 23, 2021


As if that wasn’t enough proof that this is the ‘pandemic of the vaccinated,

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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