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Pete Buttigieg’s Husband Will Call Himself ‘First Gentleman’ if Buttigieg Becomes President

 Pete Buttigieg’s Husband Will Call Himself ‘First Gentleman’ if Buttigieg Becomes President

By CNSNews.com Staff | December 27, 2019

(Joshua Lott/AFP via Getty Images)(Joshua Lott/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) – Chasten Buttigieg, the husband of South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, currently refers to himself as the “First Gent of South Bend” on Twitter and refers to himself as the “First Gentleman” when he discusses what he will do if husband Pete becomes president of the United States.

In the heading of his Twitter page, Chasten Buttigieg refers to himself as follows: “Teacher, First Gent of South Bend, husband to @Pete Buttigieg, doggo dad to @firstdogssb. All thinks theater, inclusion & education. Let hate sit alone. he/him”

A December 7 Tweet currently pinned to the top of Chasten Buttigieg’s Twitter page says: “As a student, the arts changed my life. As a teacher, I’ve seen it change the lives of my students. As First Gentleman, I will use my platform to promote @PeteButtigieg’s education policies and bring arts education within reach of all students.”



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