• July 26, 2024

Portland Mayor Gassed By Feds As Large Fires Burn At Courthouse; STILL BLAMES TRUMP

 Portland Mayor Gassed By Feds As Large Fires Burn At Courthouse; STILL BLAMES TRUMP

Vichy Portland mayor Ted Wheeler decided to attend the protests on Wednesday evening. After getting yelled at for the better part of an hour by crazed leftists, he walked over to the big fence that lines the federal courthouse, to join the protesters there.

As usual, the rioters broke through the fence, set several fires, and launched fireworks at building.

Ted wheeler is watching this #AntifaTerrorists#PDXProtestpic.twitter.com/2GxmtfFYm8

— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) July 23, 2020

DHS is not the problem. #AntifaTerrorists#PDXProtestspic.twitter.com/Hmy7LzFHG4

— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) July 23, 2020

Wheeler was personally watching the fires:

Ted Wheeler by the fire now with goggles looking like a goofy




— Simulation Warlord

(@zerosum24) July 23, 2020

Then the feds started launching chemical agents of some kind:

Wheeler w bombs and gas going off right in front of him. pic.twitter.com/OsPddaXJfL

— Jonathan Maus (@Jonathan_Maus) July 23, 2020

Wheeler still taking lots of gas and flash bangs and standing firm. I’ve had to walk away twice to recover. pic.twitter.com/EyJFsHX1ri

— Jonathan Maus (@Jonathan_Maus) July 23, 2020

Wheeler was still getting debris lobbed at him from the communists. Yet he still has the gall to defend the rioters and blame Trump. He claims he saw nothing that warranted that type of response from the feds:

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler says the tear gas stings. Says egregious overreaction from feds. Calls it urban warfare. pic.twitter.com/hrRICiNGHn

— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 23, 2020

Either Wheeler is blind or he has selective amnesia. Does he not see the fires burning? Did he not see the people climbing over the fence to storm the building? Has he not seen the countless examples of rioters trying to barricade the doors to the

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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