• July 26, 2024

Proof Biden’s Open Border Policies Are Part of a Broader Plan

Joe Biden and border czar Kamala Harris have never spoken to the Chief of Border Patrol in the years he worked for them. If you ever doubted that illegal immigration is part of an organized plan, doubt no more. The administration knows what is going on and wants it to go on. It’s a global movement orchestrated by the UN and their globalist enablers.

Mr. Ortiz served as chief of the US Border Patrol under Biden and deputy chief under President Trump. He retired last year.

He said that “when agencies are making a decision based upon politics or whether they’re going to get media coverage, they were going to put all our personnel in this two-mile stretch. What about the other 200 miles?”

Ortiz criticized Governor Abbott for not cooperating with the Border Patrol and playing politics with immigration, but he also expressed frustration with Biden.

“I’ve never had one conversation with the president or the vice president for that matter, and so I was the chief of the Border Patrol. I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.

“We need to make sure that Central America, South America, Mexico, that those regions understand that if you pay a smuggler and you cross in between the ports of entry and you do not have a legitimate claim to some sort of asylum benefit, you’re gonna be sent back.”

Ortiz believes that the White House has sent mixed messages to migrants.”

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