• September 10, 2024

Rand Paul Smacks Down George Stephanopoulous And The Liberal Media | Larry Elder

 Rand Paul Smacks Down George Stephanopoulous And The Liberal Media | Larry Elder


⚠️ Larry Elder has been demonetized by YouTube ? Support our fight for the truth here: https://LarryTube.com/ ?? As you know, the House of Representatives impeached former President Donald Trump a second time, allegedly engaging in incitement to insurrection. For the record, the man gave a speech where he said, “I want you to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” He also used the word ‘fight,’ which is standard campaign rhetoric. One of the senators who imposed this ridiculous impeachment and the forthcoming trial is U.S. Sen. Rand Paul and recently expressed his views to ABC’s chief anchor and political correspondent George Clintonopoulos, er, Stephanopoulos. In this episode, Larry gives the play-by-play commentary on Sen. Paul’s perfect TKO.

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