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Rasmussen: 26% Say China Restricting U.S. Access to Drugs Would Be ‘An Act of War’

 Rasmussen: 26% Say China Restricting U.S. Access to Drugs Would Be ‘An Act of War’

(Getty Images/STR via AFP)

 By Craig Bannister | March 17, 2020

One in four U.S. likely voters say that it should be considered an act of war, if China goes through with its threat to restrict U.S. access to critical drugs during the coronavirus outbreak, a new Rasmussen survey shows.

Nearly twice as many say the U.S. should not view such a move by China as an act of war:

“If the Chinese government follows through on a threat to restrict U.S. access to these drugs, should the United States consider that an act of war?”

  • Yes: 26%
  • No: 48%
  • Not Sure: 25%

However, about twice as many voters think China is an enemy (21%) as say it’s an ally (10%). Sixty-one percent say China is “somewhere in between” the two polar choices, with 8% “not sure” of China’s relationship to the U.S.

“Is China an ally or enemy of the United States? Or is it somewhere in between?”

  • Ally: 10%
  • Enemy: 21%
  • In Between: 61%
  • Not Sure: 8%

At least one congressman, Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), says China should pay reparations for putting the United States through the adverse health effects and financial fallout from coronavirus – and 42% of U.S. likely voters agree:

“Should China help pay at least some of the financial costs that have resulted from the global transmission of the coronavirus which originated in a Chinese city?”

  • Yes: 42%
  • No: 36%
  • Not Sure: 22%

The youngest voters, those 18-39 years old, were the most likely to say China should help pay for the cost of the virus, as 49% said the U.S. should receive reparations, compared to 38% of those 40-64 and 40% of those 65 or older.

On Monday, Rep. Banks told Fox News that China should help “pay the cost incurred on Americans and American taxpayers due to the negligence on China’s behalf that’s led to the crisis in America today.”

Rasmussen’s national survey of 1,000 U.S. likely voters was conducted March 15-16, 2020 and has a Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

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