• July 26, 2024

Roger Stone Discusses Current Dilemma with Lou Dobbs – Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson Will Decide Whether He Goes to Prison Now or Not

 Roger Stone Discusses Current Dilemma with Lou Dobbs – Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson Will Decide Whether He Goes to Prison Now or Not

Roger Stone was on Lou Dobbs this evening discussing the outrageous situation the Obama Deep State put him in.  Stone has been directed to report to prison despite being elderly and the COVID virus being reported in the prison he is to report to.

We’ve reported on the abusive actions that the corrupt Mueller gang took in their arrest and indictment of Roger Stone.

This all started when Stone was ambushed at 6 AM at his house in Florida by twenty-something FBI agents and CNN reporters based on total garbage charges related to Russia collusion which didn’t exist (and the investigators and prosecutors knew it).

Last week Roger Stone provided us an historic response to the Muller gang’s recent corrupt actions and the kangaroo court he then had to endure.

by Roger Stone

[emphasis ours]

Late yesterday the Department of Justice released previously redacted sections of the discredited Report regarding me. The Russian Collusion and Wikileaks collaboration so adamantly insisted would be proved by propaganda fronts like Mother Jones, Vox and CNN is nowhere to be found.

One of the redacted sections the Mueller report released yesterday re-cycles the false claim by Michael Cohen that he overheard a conversation on the telephone between me and candidate Donald Trump in 2016 regarding the WikiLeaks disclosures. The President has denied this in his written answers to Mueller and I have denied it under oath before the House Intelligence Committee. This was not among even the contrived charges against me for lying to Congress. No such conversation ever took place.

This is not new. Michael Cohen made this same claim under oath to the House Oversight Committee on February 27, 2019 in a public hearing which was widely covered. It is also false and Mueller’s dirty cops could find no corroboration whatsoever for this fantasy. First Cohen told the Dirty Cops that this alleged call happened in July during the Democratic

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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