• July 26, 2024

Senate up for grabs

 Senate up for grabs


Senate Conservatives Fund

Fellow Conservative:


Senate Democrats are determined to advance their liberal agenda, which is a direct threat to the American way of life.


They want the Green New Deal, gun confiscation, open borders, and to defund the police!!


And they sit silent while lawless mobs tear down historic statues and destroy our cities.


Sadly, taking control of the Senate is within their reach if we conservatives don’t work together to fight back right now.


We need to hold seats in Montana, Wyoming, and Georgia, and then do everything we can to pick up seats in the swing states of Michigan and New Hampshire.


Please help save the Senate by supporting these five conservative candidates with an urgent contribution:


✅ Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT)

✅ Cynthia Lummis (R-WY)

✅ Sen. David Perdue (R-GA)

✅ John James (R-MI)

✅ Gen. Don Bolduc (R-NH)


You can donate directly to multiple candidates with one transaction and the Senate Conservatives Fund will transfer 100% of your contributions to their campaigns. It’s easy and effective!


During times likes these, we need grassroots conservatives to mobilize like never before to help power these candidates on to victory.


Will you please chip in to help save the Senate?


We recently saw with the Supreme Court’s terrible 5-4 DACA decision that a single seat on the Court can change history. It’s another reason why we must hold the White House and the Senate in November.


Thank you for considering this urgent request and for doing so much to help fight for America’s future.



Mary Vought Signature

Mary Vought

Executive Director

Senate Conservatives Fund

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