• July 26, 2024

Stunning Videos From Mexico of Open Train Cars Taking Hordes of Migrants to Biden’s Open US Border

 Stunning Videos From Mexico of Open Train Cars Taking Hordes of Migrants to Biden’s Open US Border

Videos posted by Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins and independent journalist Auden Cabello show open train cars in Mexico filled with migrants being taken north to the U.S. border. From the Darien Gap in Panama, from Central America and through Mexico there is a tsunami of migrants from all around the world headed to illegally enter the United States thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders.

The video posted by Griff Jenkins on Sunday shows at least two dozen open rail cars filled with cheering migrants on a FerroMex train in the town of Zacatecas in north-central Mexico, “**NEW VIDEO** FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”

FOX News sources capture a FerroMex train bursting with migrants out of Zacatecas heading to our southern border right now… cheering and clearly not heeding the message: “do not come”@FoxNewspic.twitter.com/YflMwXrWqu

— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) September 17, 2023

Two days earlier Auden Cabello posted video of train loaded with migrants in a town just south of Zacatecas, “Irapuato, Guanajuato: Another train full of migrants departed this morning. One major route leads to Juarez/El Paso.”

Irapuato, Guanajuato: Another train full of migrants departed this morning. One major route leads to Juarez/El Paso. pic.twitter.com/QLt5NBJOOd

— Auden B. Cabello (@CabelloAuden) September 15, 2023

Video taken earlier this week in the Darien Gap by freelance photographer Federico Rio posted by New York Times reporter Julie Turkewitz, “Last yr, 250,000 ppl crossed the Darién jungle in a desperate attempt to make it to the US. This year, that number has already reached 360k. @federicorios and I have returned again & again to the jungle, trying to understand this flow. Some anecdotes from our latest reporting.”


Last yr, 250,000 ppl crossed the Darién jungle in a desperate attempt to make it to the US. This year, that number has already reached 360k. @federicorios and I have returned again & again to the

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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