• July 26, 2024

The America Project: “Hacking the vote – high tech hacks w Jovan Hutton Pulitzer”

 The America Project: “Hacking the vote –  high tech hacks w Jovan Hutton Pulitzer”





  • terifarmer, 8 hours ago

    Wow! Thank you for sharing your knowledge… I pray we fix this issue of election fraud once and for all.. GOD BLESS AMERICA

    1 rumble
  • pbolger31, 2 days ago

    Very informative. I have looked at the voter data on Frankspeech.com. Using my specific voting county, I saw the IP address ‘from’ and ‘to’ on the report for my state. When I searched the latitude and longitude, it matched the location shown on the report. However, when I searched the IP addresses themselves, they did not match the locations. And both happened to say they were likely ‘static’ machines, which I interpret to mean they have stayed in one place. It’s a bit confusing to say the least. If someone can provide more insight into this, it would be appreciated.

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Editor @Investigator_50