• July 26, 2024

The New Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen Recently Wrote an Essay on Foreign Influence in US Elections – This Tells Us A Little About His Knowledge of What’s Going On Today

 The New Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen Recently Wrote an Essay on Foreign Influence in US Elections – This Tells Us A Little About His Knowledge of What’s Going On Today

Jeff Rosen may be the right man for the times.  We can only hope.

Today President Trump announced that Attorney General Bill Barr would be resigning before Christmas and Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen would be taking over:

…Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen, an outstanding person, will become Acting Attorney General. Highly respected Richard Donoghue will be taking over the duties of Deputy Attorney General. Thank you to all! pic.twitter.com/V5sqOJT9PM

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 14, 2020

According to Ron at CodeMonkeyZ on Twitter, Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen who is taking over for AG Barr has written about foreign intervention on US elections:

Soon-to-be AG Rosen recently wrote an essay on foreign influence in US elections.

“foreign actors are covertly trying to undermine confidence in our elections”

“malign foreign influence efforts in our elections has been a perennial problem“https://t.co/gPIPUk7pMp

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 15, 2020

In his recent essay from late August of this year, Rosen shares the following:

But interference with infrastructure is not our only concern. We are also concerned about another threat, known as malign foreign influence. The key word is “influence.” Much of the time that is disguised propaganda. Other times, it is using pressure tactics on influential people. It can also take the form of hacking and disclosing private emails or phone messages. It comes in many different forms, all designed to influence how Americans think about issues and cast their votes. There are good lists of these on the FBI and ODNI websites…

…we are concerned when those preferences manifest themselves through malign foreign influence activities that are coercive, covert, or corrupt, whether the aim is specifically to influence our elections, or to influence policymaking and public discourse more broadly.

Rosen first discusses coercive activities and then discusses covert activities by foreign agents where he gives this example:

After World War II, the Cold War produced a whole new set of challenges from malign foreign influence. The Soviet Union employed covert or deceptive tactics as part of its so-called “active measures,” a phrase it used to describe malign influence activities like disseminating forgeries, disinformation, and propaganda and sponsoring front publications to undermine American interests. Most active measures were directed abroad, such as when, just a few weeks

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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