• July 26, 2024

The Ratio: Nikki Haley Roasted Over Her End of the Weekend Boast of “12 Fellas Down. 1 To Go”

 The Ratio: Nikki Haley Roasted Over Her End of the Weekend Boast of “12 Fellas Down. 1 To Go”

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley boasted online Sunday evening about how many ‘fellas’ she’s been through in the campaign, twelve, and how many are left for her to take on, one–President Trump–and well, the jokes just wrote themselves.

At a New Hampshire campaign event, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley reacted to learning Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) endorsed rival President Trump, screen image via Mark Halperin, X Twitter, January 19, 2024

“12 fellas down. 1 to go.”

12 fellas down. 1 to go.

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) February 18, 2024

Old adultery accusations against the former South Carolina Governor Haley by South Carolina politicos were resurrected last month as voting in the Republican presidential primary season commenced. Haley has denied the accusations of adultery that were made by two men in sworn affidavits.

“12 fellas down. 1 to go” was not the best choice of words for Haley:

Very poor choice of words for Nikki Haley in this post she just put up, especially considering her past infidelity.

“12 fellas down. 1 to go.”

— @NikkiHaley, Adulterer (twice and counting) https://t.co/AcxsZD7A7wpic.twitter.com/6edx1KF5lq

— Paul A. Szypula

(@Bubblebathgirl) February 18, 2024

Haley’s post got ratioed on X Twitter with comments more than double the likes and over four million views in just over four hours:

Perhaps you want to rephra….oh never mind. https://t.co/TNfm0AMCNHpic.twitter.com/HIctNvaByV

— Edward Dowd (@DowdEdward) February 18, 2024


— Catturd


Source: The Gateway Pundit

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