• July 26, 2024

The Ugly Reality of Joe Biden’s Border – See for Yourself

 The Ugly Reality of Joe Biden’s Border – See for Yourself
The AP reported that millions of unvetted people come from over 100 countries. Mexicans are down to zero. They are sneaking across, which tells us that they are mostly criminals. That’s the ugly reality.

The border is a disaster with a non-stop invasion brought to you by Democrats. People are dying, and Biden doesn’t care at all. He DOES NOT care. He’s like a Roman tyrant. Caligula and Nero come to mind.

According to FAIR, about 5.9 million have slipped in so far under Biden’s lawless reign. The best estimate by Todd Bensman of the CIS is 6 million by 2024. Another Democrat gets into the presidency, and we’ll have 20 million. Gov. Abbott thinks we’ll have 20 million by 2024.



Here’s some more reality.

The racist Democrats are really angry that they finally have to share a small bit of the burden. It’s only hundreds while thousands cross into border states every day. Innocent people lured by Democrats are dying every day at the border or on their way to the border. Joe did that. These lunatics are ruining the Democrat Party and for normal Democrats to not speak up is nothing but destructive to them.


Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, told Fox News Digital that Republicans must prioritize border security if they win back the House. He called for Biden administration officials to be held accountable for the ongoing crisis.

Roy said Republicans’ legislative priorities should be finishing the construction of ​the Trump-era border wall and requiring “that we’re actually turning people away at the border unless they present papers, or they are being detained for the entirety” of their asylum claim process. Roy said it would be “a complete and total failure” if the party does not pursue such an agenda.

DC Democrats built a wall around the Capitol to protect themselves, but the peasants couldn‘t have a wall to protect themselves.

The Texas Republican also warned his GOP colleagues against getting “caught up” in the politics of immigration and said he supports the ongoing bussing of migrants to ​New York City and D.C. and Chicago.

“We deal with 8,000 across the Southwest border almost every day, 4,000 or more of those in Texas​,” Roy said. “Now they get a taste of what we have to deal with every day here in Texas.”

Biden also sent in unvetted Afghans. Afghanistan is filled with terrorists and lunatics, but, as we said, Biden doesn’t care. Even if terrorists don’t blow us up, they’ll negatively impact our society and politics. Democrats will radicalize them into their party.


This is the reality not being reported.

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Editor @Investigator_50