• July 26, 2024

The View Defends Disney: Bigot DeSantis ‘Taking on the Mouse’

After coming back from their spring break on Monday, ABC’s The View went to the mat for their parent company Disney. Together the cackling coven accused Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) of behaving like a communist dictator and bigot who’s “anti-black”; all because he decided to sign a law to strip Disney of its “special status” over its position to oppose the Parental Rights in Education law and support leftist groomers in the classroom.

“DeSantis is punishing our parent company, Disney, for speaking out against his so-called Don’t Say Gay law,” she announced, using the totally fabricated name the left and the media use for it. “This goes against the GOP’s brand of being business-friendly,” she added, failing to grasp the fact the right is against crony-capitalism.

“Now, can he win this culture war? Because he’s taking on the mouse, and the mouse is bigger than Ron DeSantis,” she seemed to threaten. Florida resident and co-host Ana Navarro picked up on that line and noted “there’s a difference between a mouse and a rat.”

Navarro went on to suggest DeSantis only did this because he’s “running for president in 2024” and “he’s trying to position himself with the base.” And despite the fact she herself had abandoned conservative principles because of her hatred for former President Trump, she accused DeSantis of the same thing:



So, we had an entire legislative session in Florida focused on manufactured culture wars. And so I don’t understand though how you can call yourself a pro-business, pro-freedom of speech, small government, against canceling conservative if you want to cancel one of the major corporations in Florida for freely speaking their mind in protection of their employees.

“And that is wrong. It’s anti-American. It’s what happens in Venezuela. It’s what happens in Nicaragua. It does not happen in the United States,” she raged.

Keying in on what Navarro said about DeSantis presumably running for president in 2024, unhinged co-host Sunny Hostin bitterly declared that “bigotry is on the ballot when it comes to Ron DeSantis.” She went on to suggest his policy position wasn’t really “anti-Disney” but rather “anti-black,” “anti-gay” and “anti-LGBTQ+” because “the Republican base responds to it.”

“It’s anti-woke,” she continued as she lied about what it meant to be woke:

And woke, what that really means when you look it up in the dictionary, it’s an awareness of social justice. It’s an awareness of marginalized communities. It’s an awareness. And for some reason Ron DeSantis and his Republican base, they don’t want people to know that there are social injustices going on in this country.

“They don’t want those people to be protected, and it’s shameful. It is so shameful that they don’t want our children to know about social injustice. And that’s what this is about,” she sneered.

These smears of DeSantis on behalf of Disney were made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Ensure and Progressive. Their contact information is linked.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

ABC’s The View
April 25, 2022
11:16:09 a.m. Eastern

JOY BEHAR: So, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is punishing our parent company, Disney, for speaking out against his so-called Don’t Say Gay law. He revoked Disney’s special status that could cost Florida taxpayers $2 billion. This goes against the GOP’s brand of being business-friendly.

Now, can he win this culture war? Because he’s taking on the mouse, and the mouse is bigger than Ron DeSantis.


What say you?

ANA NAVARRO: Well, there’s a difference between a mouse and a rat but we can go into that later. Look, I think – I’m really bothered like this. Obviously, you all know, I live in Miami. I’m a Floridian. I really – when Ron DeSantis first got elected, had really high hopes for him and I thought he was being inclusive, but he’s now running for re-election, and he’s running for president in 2024 should Trump not run, and he’s trying to position himself with the base.

So, we had an entire legislative session in Florida focused on manufactured culture wars. And so I don’t understand though how you can call yourself a pro-business, pro-freedom of speech, small government, against canceling conservative if you want to cancel one of the major corporations in Florida for freely speaking their mind in protection of their employees.


And it’s not like Disney went on an all-out war against this bill. The CEO made a few statements. They weren’t running ads. This was minimal, and he, you know, this war against Disney – And it’s against Disney. The bill, the law was crafted in a way taking away the special tax status where it only affects Disney and about four other special taxing districts.

There are 1,844 special taxing districts in Florida, and so it was to penalize and take revenge against Disney for having dared cross a pet legislative cause of theirs. And that is wrong. It’s anti-American. It’s what happens in Venezuela. It’s what happens in Nicaragua. It does not happen in the United States.

SUNNY HOSTIN: I can explain why it’s happening. It’s because bigotry is on the ballot when it comes to Ron DeSantis. Right? That’s what this is about. It’s not anti-Disney. It’s anti-black. It’s anti-gay. It’s anti-LGBTQ+ community. And for some reason, the Republican base responds to it. It’s anti-woke.

And woke, what that really means when you look it up in the dictionary, it’s an awareness of social justice. It’s an awareness of marginalized communities. It’s an awareness.

And for some reason Ron DeSantis and his Republican base, they don’t want people to know that there are social injustices going on in this country.


They don’t want those people to be protected, and it’s shameful. It is so shameful that they don’t want our children to know about social injustice. And that’s what this is about.


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