• July 26, 2024

Time to Act: Debunking Christian Excuses for Inaction in the Face of Evil

 Time to Act: Debunking Christian Excuses for Inaction in the Face of Evil

Guest post by Sybil Gardien

Like a trampled spring and a polluted well is a righteous person who gives way before the wicked.

Proverbs 25:26

WARNING: God did not build this nation just for us; He built it for the world.  Since its founding, our nation has been a beacon of hope and help to the lost and vulnerable around the globe.  If America falls, our freedom to provide that hope and help falls with her.  Keep this in mind as you read the following.

You are blessed to be living during one of the most critical times in our nation’s history.  It is a time when enemies are being exposed, heroes are being raised up, allegiances are being revealed, battles are being waged, and the course of our nation is being decided.

It is not a time for spectators.

And yet, during this critical time, millions of Christians are just that: Spectators.  Justifying their inaction with Scripture, they are opting to stay on the sidelines while our nation and its founding principles are under siege.  This is a grievous wrong.  It is unbiblical.

It is also a slap in the face of our nation’s Founders.  One of the greatest ironies of our time is that we Christians, who claim to admire and appreciate the Founders of this nation, are giving up without a fight the very things they fought and died to obtain for us.  Our celebrations of their heroic efforts and sacrifice ring hollow when, in response to our nation being under siege, we do nothing.  Could there be a more telling contrast between the Founders and ourselves?  We cannot claim to truly appreciate them and the nation they secured for us while simultaneously refusing to do what it takes to keep and maintain this nation.

That bears repeating: We cannot claim to truly appreciate the Founders and the nation they secured for us while simultaneously refusing to do what it takes to keep and maintain this nation.

The Founders understood that there is a time to stand and fight.  They also understood that one of the most critical times to stand and fight is when truth, justice, and freedom are at stake.  They would be shocked to hear that Scripture is being used today to justify staying on the sidelines while these very principles are being destroyed.  They would be doubly shocked to learn that those taking this approach are the very people who profess to love truth, justice, and freedom.

“God is in Control, So I Don’t Have to Do Anything” Does Not Apply Here

Those who use God’s sovereignty to justify doing nothing while our nation is under siege

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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