• July 26, 2024




President Donald Trump called for an investigation into Mark Zuckerberg’s massive contribution to Democrats in the 2020 election during his Save America rally in Arizona on Saturday.

During his speech, Trump said, “A Republican Congress should conduct a forensic audit… into the hundreds of millions of dollars that Mark Zuckerberg dumped into local election offices.”

Trump’s remarks come after critical information was released showing how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg directly influenced the 2020 election. In December, Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., co-chairwoman of the House Election Integrity Caucus, announced news of Zuckerberg’s massive contributions to Democrats. Tenney shared reports of how Zuckerberg’s Center for Tech and Civic Life disproportionately aided Democrat counties in the 2020 election.

At the time of the reports, Rep. Tenney said, “Left leaning @HelloCTCL released its IRS From 990 last week and we analyzed the data-findings confirm our worst suspicions.” The congresswoman also explained, “In key states of TX, OH, NV, MN, GA, FL, AZ, and PA, 90% of CTCL funding went to BIDEN counties.”

Reports of Zuckerberg’s financial contribution to Democrat counties have left Americans with many questions. Republicans have been demanding answers while Democrats continue to label Trump’s claims as “baseless,” “unfounded,” and “without proof.”

Meanwhile, former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman has been actively investigating the role that Mark Zuckerberg played in the contested presidential election by donating massive amounts of money to the Center for Tech and Civic Life.

During his Arizona rally, Trump called for more investigations to be launched into Zuckerberg’s involvement with the 2020 election, urging Republicans to conduct a “forensic audit” if they retake the House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.

Trump called out Zuckerberg’s questionable contributions, saying, “You take a look at what he’s done…This guy spent $417 million, and most of it went to the Democrats, almost all of it, and nothing happens.”

Although reports have shown that Zuckerberg donated over $400 million to two non-profit organizations, the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), little has been done by Republicans to ensure that Democrats are not unfairly aided by liberal tech companies in future elections. Trump pointed to this, stating, “To make these critical reforms between now and the time that’s so important to make them, we have to act.”

Trump also emphasized the importance of Republicans quickly implementing these critical reforms, adding, “We have to act fast and we have to act strong.”

The 45th president has consistently pushed Republicans to be strong in the face of Democrat opposition. His latest speech certainly continued that theme, urging Republicans to be strong and giving Americans hope that “Our country is going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever before.”


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