• July 26, 2024

Trump Crushing Biden and DeSantis in New WaPo/ABC News Poll

 Trump Crushing Biden and DeSantis in New WaPo/ABC News Poll

President Trump is crushing Joe Biden and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) in a new Washington Poll/ABC News poll released at midnight. Trump leads Biden in a head to head match-up 49%-42% among supporters and leaners in the general election and bests DeSantis 51%-25% in a field of six potential GOP primary candidates with the others in single digits. The poll also shows DeSantis beating Biden by a similar margin, 48%-41%.

ABC/WP POLL: 2024 Presidential Election Poll (𝐰𝐒𝐭𝐑 π₯𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬)

(R) Trump β€” 49% (+7)
(D) Biden β€” 42%

(R) DeSantis β€” 48% (+7)
(D) Biden β€” 41%

ABC/WP (A) | n=1,006 | 04/28-05/03https://t.co/i6dvXx5TS6pic.twitter.com/GydRVs0KVw

β€” InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) May 7, 2023

Biden is profoundly unpopular and is seen as too old and mentally and physically unable to do the job of president by majorities of Americans. Biden’s approve-disapprove is 36%-56%. 68% say Biden, 80 years old now, is too old for another term while 44% say the same for the 76-year-old Trump. Only 32 percent say Biden has the mental sharpness for the job of president, compared to 54 percent who say Trump does. Just 33 percent say Biden is physically up to the job while 64 percent say Trump is. A majority of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents do not want Biden to be the party’s nominee for president in 2024.

The killer poll number for Biden is on his handling of the economy. Trump is seen as having done a better job on the economy as president than Biden, 54%-36%.

Black and Hispanic support for Trump has increased substantially from 2020, with 27 percent of Black voters supporting Trump, compared to 12 percent in 2020. 43 percent of Hispanics support Trump compared, to 30 percent in 2020.

ABC/WP POLL: More say Trump did a better job handling the economy than Biden has so far

Who do you think did a better job handling the economy?

Donald Trump β€” 54%
Joe Biden β€” 36%

ABC/WP (A) | n=1,006 | 04/28-05/03 pic.twitter.com/dduEtlhjr3

β€” InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) May 7, 2023

Trump also has taken a lead over Biden with independents, 42 percent to 34 percent with about 24 percent undecided or wouldn’t vote for either or at all. in 2020, Biden beat Trump among independents 52-43.

The 2024 primary and general elections are a long way off, but these numbers are brutal for Biden coming just two weeks after he formally announced his 2024 campaign.


Source: The Gateway Pundit

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