• July 26, 2024

Tucker Carlson: Rioters are ‘The Armed Militia of The Democratic Party’

 Tucker Carlson: Rioters are ‘The Armed Militia of The Democratic Party’


By Craig Bannister | June 25, 2020
“The angry children you watch set fire to Wendy’s and topple statues” aren’t protesters, “They are the armed militia of the Democratic Party – and they are “truly and utterly stupid,” Tucker Carlson said on his Fox News Channel program Wednesday.
And, while they may be dangerous, “These people are idiots,” Carlson said:

“These are definitely not protesters. They’re not even rioters. They are the armed militia of the Democratic Party. They’re working to overthrow our system of government. They’re trying to put themselves in power.

“These people are idiots. For real. The angry children you watch set fire to Wendy’s and topple statues and scream at you on television day after day are truly and utterly stupid. There’s probably never been a dumber group gathered in one place in all of American history.”

They are so ignorant of America’s history that they tear down monuments to people who served the very causes they claim to advocate, Carlson said:

“They know nothing. They couldn’t tell you who George Washington was. They don’t know when the Civil War was fought – probably not even to the century. They say they oppose racism, and then they rip down monuments to Abolitionists. They don’t see the contradiction in that because they have no idea who the Abolitionists were.”

Worst of all, many of those heralded by the Left as being the most intelligent people are actually some of the most stupid and gullible, Carlson said:

“A lot of the very stupidest people, by the way, are, quote, well educated. They have all the worthless credentials we are told we should want for our children. They went to Duke. They work at some nonprofit. They hold a good-paying job in digital marketing at Nike.

“Yeah. They’re supposedly impressive, but they’re not impressive at all. They are incredibly dumb. They fall for any lie, no matter how preposterous. The more preposterous, the more likely they are to fall for it. And, like small children, they are afraid of everything.”

Americans should not allow people so damaged and weak run the nation, Carlson concluded:

“For the rest of us, the question is: can people this damaged, this weak actually run a country? And, the answer is no, of course not. And we definitely should not let them.”

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