• October 3, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard: Dems Are Trying to Erase Women as a Category of People and ‘Rejecting the Existence of Objective Truth’

 Tulsi Gabbard: Dems Are Trying to Erase Women as a Category of People and ‘Rejecting the Existence of Objective Truth’

(Getty Images/Alex Edelman/AFP)


Tulsi Gabbard
(Getty Images/Alex Edelman/AFP)

Democrats’ claim that womanhood is a state of mind isn’t just hatred and hostility towards women, it’s also a rejection of objective truth of any kind, veteran and former Democrat Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard says.

“There is no greater expression of hatred and hostility towards women than to try to erase our existence as a category of people and to minimize us to being a construction of anyone’s imagination,” Gabbard says in a video she posted to social media.

“Such an expression of hatred towards women is now the position of the Democratic Party, and one of the reasons why I could no longer remain in that party,” Gabbard, now an Independent, explains.

What’s more, by denying the existence of women, Democrats are redefining “truth” as a matter of opinion, to be defined by those in power, Gabbard warns:

“By rejecting the objective truth, that there is such a thing as a woman, they are rejecting the existence of objective truth, as a whole, and removing all societal boundaries:

“And, when we remove those boundaries of what is actually true and false – not my truth, or your truth or their truth, or whatever it is – that there is such a thing as objective truth, then we remove all the boundaries of our society.

“And, we end up in a position – what we’re seeing right now – where, what is declared as ‘true’ is based on whatever those in power say that it is.”

“And, we’ve seen again how this changes over time,” Gabbard concludes.

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