• October 27, 2024



@RudyGiuliani destroys Hillary Clinton:

Her dereliction of duty + failure to keep her people safe played a major roll in Benghazi which claimed the lives of 4 brave Americans.

She lied directly to the families of the people who were killed right to their face.

?❤️Rudy pic.twitter.com/eDHdOGp3C3

— ❌??Steve????America First????MAGA??KAG (@SJPFISH) March 25, 2020

The Senate Republicans’ bill put corporations first, not workers & families. Today, @HouseDemocrats will unveil a bill that takes responsibility for the health, wages & well-being of America’s workers: the Take Responsibility for Workers & Families Act. https://t.co/WbHY9CNGFa

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) March 23, 2020

Guess what?


And it's one long Leftist Progressive wishlist.

There is NO WAY they threw this together over a weekend.

Pelosi & Schumer must have PLANNED this bait and switch for over a week.https://t.co/mcJxNSEqhV

— Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart's Army! (@drawandstrike) March 23, 2020

I have never voted for someone who was not a democrat in my life. That streak will end in November.

I'm beyond angry about what they are doing. This is not about the well-being of workers. This is taking advantage of a crisis. It's unconscionable. I can't wait for them to lose. https://t.co/JZhJYFlTKN

— Dr. Karlyn Borysenko (@DrKarlynB) March 23, 2020

Trust me. You want to read this! Dems pushed this disinformation to frighten and control..?
Inaccurate Virus Models Are Panicking Officials Into Ill-advised Lockdowns https://t.co/LruN3X5d7d

— Kathy Q ???????? {⭐️} (@So_n10s) March 25, 2020

Here's what Nancy Pelosi's House of Representatives did today:

10:00:42 AM—Convened in the House

10:02:37 AM—Adjourned

One minute and 55 seconds of work

And Pelosi had the audacity to include $25,000,000 in additional "Salaries & Expenses" for the House in her bill


— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) March 25, 2020

Ummm can someone please explain to me how $25,000,000 “For ADDITIONAL SALARY for House of Representatives” is helping Americans who are going broke over this???

SHAMEFUL!! pic.twitter.com/HglMssJO5R

— Red Pilled Michelle ?????? (@LilBlondie45) March 25, 2020


UNCLE SAM DOES’NT WANT YOU! pic.twitter.com/aT59Vx5djf

— Redbeard (K) ?⭐️? (@lloyd4man) March 25, 2020

Please don’t listen to a woman who went to bed during a crisis letting Americans die! Then lying to their families in front of the coffins of their loved ones about a fake video! #LiberalHypocrisy pic.twitter.com/umex4TSLqE

— Todd ?I am Groot! (@Cromag_19) March 25, 2020

I am working very hard to help New York City & State. Dealing with both Mayor & Governor and producing tremendously for them, including four new medical centers and four new hospitals. Fake News that I won’t help them because I don’t like Cuomo (I do). Just sent 4000 ventilators!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 25, 2020

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Editor @Investigator_50