• July 26, 2024

Unbelievable – Swaffar for Congress

 Unbelievable – Swaffar for Congress

by  committee for  Darlene Swaffar 

Unbelievable!!  For the last 3 years

For President Trump’s entire term as President, the Democrats have chosen to attack and slander him instead of working to get important legislation passed in Congress. First it was the Russian hoax and the Mueller probe, then it was the sham impeachment.

Now, in a time of national emergency, Nancy Pelosi is once again choosing politics over getting the American people what they need. The American people and our economy need a stimulus package now, but Pelosi and the radical left see this as an opportunity to pass their pet projects and pork barrel spending. It’s truly an insult to every single American. And this is why elections matter.

Help me take back the House:  https://secure.winred.com/darleneswaffar/donate

We need to help the American economy, not funding for the Green New Deal, Democrat pork projects, and more mandates.

The solution to the Pelosi problem is clear: we MUST take back the house in November.

Can you pitch in a bit to help me out by the end of the month? Let’s send Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the rest of the radical Democrats a message that we see right through their blatant partisan stunts and that we are united against their agenda.

This November’s election will be the most critical in our lifetime and we need to have the resources to fight back against the Pelosi machine. If the Democrats keep Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, we can only expect more of the same: partisanship over progress. We must fight back now.

Please consider donating $20, $50, $100 or $250 today to help me get to Congress: https://secure.winred.com/darleneswaffar/donate

Donations can also be made by check

Please make check out to “Inclusion 2020” and mail to:
Swaffar for Congress
2745 W. Hillsboro Boulevard, Suite #1
Deerfield Beach, FL  33442

As the strongest candidate running in District #22, I need your help now in order to win the Primary. I alone have the knowledge on political topics, and confidence to debate Ted Deutch.  Now is the time to act.

Fighting for Freedom, Truth and We The People.

Darlene Swaffar
US House Congressional Republican Candidate for Florida’s District #22

Campaign Manager:  Ken Paulsen  Cell: 954-559-0205
Email:  [email protected]

Find out about upcoming Events: https://www.facebook.com/swaffar4congress
Follow me Twitter:  https://twitter.com/swaffarcongress
Check out our Website: http://www.swaffarforcongress.com

Send Darlene to Congress, Donate Now: https://secure.winred.com/darleneswaffar/donate

Proud Member of:
The Tower Club
South FL Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce
Greater South FL Chamber of Commerce
Women’s Prosperity Network
Elderly Service Resource Network ESRN
NAHU Palm Beach Chapter
Small Business Administration TED Women’s Center
Republican National Hispanic Assembly – Constitution Member
National Federation of Republican Women
Coral Springs Parkland Republican Club
Boca Raton Regional Republican Club

We just received a major National Endorsement from the Republican National Hispanic Assembly.  To read their Press Release click here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/republican-national-hispanic-assembly-of-florida/darlene-swaffar-for-floridas-22-congressional-district/2772150742870926/

Send Darlene to Congress:  Donate Now  https://donorbox.org/swaffar-for-congress

Please feel free to share this email with your family and friends.

Paid for by Darlene Swaffar for Congress Inclusion2020 Inc.
Contributions for Darlene Swaffar for Congress Inclusion2020 Inc. are not tax deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited.  Donations from members of Council on American Islamic relations, ANTIFA, and any discriminatory or supremist groups are not welcome and will be refunded.

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