• July 26, 2024

UNEARTHED FOOTAGE Reveals MI Dem Gov Gretchen Whitmer Bragging About, and Leading An Insurrection Inside MI Capitol Building [VIDEO]

 UNEARTHED FOOTAGE Reveals MI Dem Gov Gretchen Whitmer Bragging About, and Leading An Insurrection Inside MI Capitol Building [VIDEO]

100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – On January 6, 2021, Joe Biden VP candidate, and MI Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer posted a videotaped message on Twitter condemning the “insurrection” at the nation’s Capitol building.

In her address to the nation, a somber Whitmer explained how she was “appalled” over the actions of the people “who are trying to stage a coup” and “wreak violence on the very foundation of our democracy.”

“It’s appalling and abhorrent,” Whitmer said about the actions of the people involved in the January 6th incident. Whitmer called for “people of goodwill on both sides of the aisle” will join her to “work together” and “move forward” and to accept the outcome of the November election.

I am appalled at the insurrection we saw in our nation’s Capitol today.
We had an election. We voted. Now, we need to work together to move forward. pic.twitter.com/TuY7w0f9DB

— Governor Gretchen Whitmer (@GovWhitmer) January 6, 2021

But in 2012,  Michigan’s very own Insurrection Barbie (then-Democrat Senator Gretchen Whitmer), was singing a much different tune.

Yesterday, Tudor Dixon, a Republican candidate for governor in Michigan, shared a stunning video that reveals a much different Gretchen Whitmer, one who not only condoned angry dissenters staging a coup at the state Capitol but an angry Democrat who bragged about allowing the angry mob to gain entry into the locked-down Capitol by climbing through her office window.

In 2009, a Republican-led majority in the Michigan legislature along with a Republican governor were set to sign a historic Right-to-Work bill into law, giving MI residents the right to decide if they wanted to join a union or not.

Michigan State Police and Lansing Police Department officers keep protesters out of the Romney Building at the Michigan Right to Work protest outside the State Capitol in Lansing on Tuesday morning. (J. Scott Park | Mlive.com)

I attended protests that raged on the lawn of the Capitol for several days. In the center of the Capitol lawn, AFP (Americans for Prosperity), a huge proponent of individual choice, had set up a massive tent that served as a ‘safe space’ for proponents of the bill to gather. Union leaders hovered around the tent and around the steps of the Capitol, a space that AFP reserved in advance of the protests, directing union thugs to tear down banners erected by right-to-work advocates. Union thugs rushed the stairs, knocked over a speaker playing speeches by Ronald Reagan that were broadcast by AFP leader Scott Hagerstrom, who multiple union members later assaulted. A marine distress horn meant to be heard from over a mile away was blasted directly into the ear of Mr. Hagerstrom,

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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