• July 26, 2024

UPDATE: Choir Director Tells Gateway Pundit After US Capitol Police Incident – “This is Not Over – They Should Invite Us Back at Their Expense and Let Us Sing”

 UPDATE: Choir Director Tells Gateway Pundit After US Capitol Police Incident – “This is Not Over – They Should Invite Us Back at Their Expense and Let Us Sing”

On Friday, The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir was stopped mid-performance while singing the National Anthem at the US Capitol because it is considered a “demonstration.”

The children, part of the esteemed Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, had traveled to Washington, D.C. from South Carolina last Friday, May 26th, for a scheduled Capitol tour and had received prior approval to sing a short set of patriotic songs inside the historic Statuary Hall.

“We set it up, email was approved in the Speaker’s office with three Congressional offices,” said Micah Rea, founder and principal of The Rea Group and organizer of the trip.

South Carolina’s representatives, Joe Wilson, and William Timmons, were involved in granting the choir approval to enter the Capitol and had given their support to the performance.

“We had Capitol Hill Police come up to us and Sergeant on Arm’s office and then also the Speaker’s office. And the Speaker’s office tells us via the phone, that the speaker’s office is okay with the singing. Go ahead with it,” Rea told one of the parents.

“And then I have a Capitol security guy telling me it’s okay, here’s my card. Go ahead and start singing. If anybody comes up to you, just let ’em know. Here’s my card,” Rea added.

However, as the choir’s angelic voices filled the grand hall while they sang The Star-Spangled Banner with pride, the man from Rep. Joe Wilson’s office intervened, as he was told by the Capitol police to “Go, shut them down.”

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Mr. David Rasbach, Rushingbrook Children’s Choir Director, and shared with us what exactly happened.

Here is an excerpt from our conversation:

David Rasbach: The man who tapped me on the shoulder was from Joe Wilson’s office. He’s the one the police lady told to go shut us down. He came and tapped me on the shoulder, and I stopped the choir.

I walked over with him to the Capitol Police, and there were three Capitol Police. One was female, two were male. And it was the female that spoke, the other two never spoke.

I said, what’s the problem? And she said we can’t let you continue. I said, why not? And she said, this is considered a demonstration, and we don’t allow

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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