• July 26, 2024

US Attorney In Oregon Goes Off On Media For Failing To Call Out Criminal Activity Of Rioters (VIDEO)

 US Attorney In Oregon Goes Off On Media For Failing To Call Out Criminal Activity Of Rioters (VIDEO)

The far left has been rioting and attacking a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon for over 60 days, and the media is still calling them “protesters.”

The media won’t call them out because the media is on their side. This is obvious to anyone who has been paying attention.

US Attorney Billy Williams of Oregon recently called out the media for this.

Townhall reports:

US Attorney for Oregon Goes Off on the Media for Downplaying the Nightly Riots at the Courthouse

U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon Billy Williams ripped into the media for how they have portrayed the nightly attacks against the Hatfield Federal Courthouse in Portland, which prompted the federal government’s decision to send extra federal officers to ensure the safety of the building.

Standing within the fencing that has kept rioters away from the courthouse, Williams told KGW News last Friday they have been on the receiving end of “disgusting,” “mindless violence.”

“This, look around,” Williams gestured to the damage behind him. “Do you think it’s okay? Is there any justification for this? I hope not. Portland is losing its soul right now.”

“What you have failed, in the media, have failed to distinguish, you seem unwilling to call people engaged in criminal conduct as criminals as opposed to lawful protest,” Williams continued. “So I’m just saying there’s needs to be a distinction made between lawful, Constitutionally protected protests and this. This is unlawful.”

“Call it out for what it is,” he added.

See below:

U.S Attorney for Oregon Billy Williams gets irritated by biased media who refuse to accurately describe the criminal behavior of rioters trying to burn down the Portland federal courthouse. #PortlandRiotshttps://t.co/byBbGTaK1Ipic.twitter.com/w2XnezbX86

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 30, 2020

Here’s a longer segment:

Mr. Williams is absolutely correct.

The media has not only failed to cover this crime accurately, they have covered for it.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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