• September 14, 2024

US Possibly Negotiated an Iran Oil Deal, Tells Israel to Stand Down

 US Possibly Negotiated an Iran Oil Deal, Tells Israel to Stand Down

Victor Davis Hanson discusses the Biden negotiations for an oil deal with Iran. He also mentioned the similarities and enhancements of Obama’s deal with Iran. It is crazy.

After the Mullahs told the US to stand down when they attack Israel, numerous reports came out indicating that Joe Biden quietly negotiated with Iran for an oil deal if they backed off. Now, Biden has made it clear that Israel cannot retaliate.

Iran wants Biden to win the election, and if they can get an oil deal, they would go for it.

Midway in this short clip, Victor Davis Hanson discusses the Biden negotiations for an oil deal with Iran. He also mentioned the similarities and enhancements of Obama’s deal with Iran. It is crazy.




Iran. It is crazy.




Biden warned Netanyahu the US will not support Israel’s counterattack on Iran amid fears of all-out war [and impacts on an election]. The weak President told Netanyahu and BLASTED IT OUT TO THE WORLD, in a late-night call, “You got a win, take the win.” The win was the incoming barrage of 300 drones and missiles that were nearly all shot down by the IDF. However, the US claimed to have shot down 70.

This administration is transparent about all the wrong things.

President Biden has made it clear to Benjamin Netanyahu that US forces will not join offensive operations against Iran, according to reports.

Biden released a statement following the call between the two leaders, saying it had reaffirmed America’s “ironclad commitment to the security of Israel.”

Ironclad as long as Netanyahu does what he tells him to do. Biden is afraid of an all-out war, and he has an election coming up. The US doesn’t think Israel wants an all-out war, but it can’t be sure.

If there is an oil deal to enrich Iran, then this is far more insidious or idiotic or both than we knew. We need to watch for a deal.


A senior White House official told far-left Axios that Biden made it clear to Netanyahu that US forces would not participate in further operations. Netanyahu said he understood.

Officials told left-wing fake news CNN that the US forces managed to intercept more than 70 drones and at least three ballistic missiles during the attack but didn’t have an appetite to take Iran head-on.

Three senior administration officials have also told far-left NBC News that Biden had privately expressed concern that Netanyahu is trying to pull the US into the conflict.

The White House believes the Israelis are not looking for a direct war with Iran, but US officials can’t be certain, an official told the outlet.

Perhaps all that is fine if they say it privately. No one should want an all-out war. However, this administration puts everything out in public, making us look weak and signaling to Iran that our support is not very ironclad.

This reeks of Barack Obama and his pal, George Soros.

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Editor @Investigator_50