• July 26, 2024

VIDEO: Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians

 VIDEO: Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians

In a move that would make the Chinese Communist Party gush with envy, the Oregon state legislature took the bold move of holding secret floor sessions on Monday to pass a few bills involving the Covid shutdown. Patriots were having none of that.

Though the capitol was closed to the public and main entrance fenced off, a large group of patriots descended on the building to try and make their way in to participate in the legislative process. They were met by riot squads from the Oregon State Police and Salem Police Department. These officers essentially did the bidding of the corrupt politicians and worked to keep the public out. The riot cops deployed pepper spray and shot several people with rubber pellets, many of whom were seniors and petite women.

A left wing “journalist” from Willamette Week accidentally reported the truth:

From earlier: police reinforcements arrive, impact munitions deployed at very close range pic.twitter.com/NBawRhgTUs

— Laura Jedeed, Space Professional (@LauraJedeed) December 21, 2020

Somehow, certain pro-state media were allowed inside and were able to report from within:

Protesters have found an entryway into the front of the Oregon capitol.

Not clear how they made it this far into antechamber.

Police swarming place now. #orlegpic.twitter.com/nYXZ2JqOl3

— Tim A. Gruver (@T_TimeForce) December 21, 2020

Oregon state police talking to pandemic shutdown protesters telling them to move away from the door or face arrest. They say doors, windows broken in past hours. #orlegpic.twitter.com/SsvMFxzMiq

— Tim A. Gruver (@T_TimeForce) December 21, 2020

Others had to abide by the orders from police and were forced to remain outside. Note that the orders from the police truck referred to the citizens as “subjects” and ordered everyone to leave the capitol property, that they were trespassing on public property. Police apparently deployed tear gas at one point, and one dude throws the canister back in the building.

They knocked that elderly man to the ground. https://t.co/8Ci8srVal5

— Villain

(@VillainReport) December 21, 2020

Of course leave it to the deranged leftist media to side with the state secrecy and slander the patriots, as Dirk VanderHart reports for Oregon Public Broadcasting:

A special

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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