• July 26, 2024

WATCH: James O’Keefe Infiltrates Secret Illegal Alien Compound in Tucson, Arizona – Threatened With Arrest by Gestapo Sheriff’s Deputies

 WATCH: James O’Keefe Infiltrates Secret Illegal Alien Compound in Tucson, Arizona – Threatened With Arrest by Gestapo Sheriff’s Deputies

O’Keefe Media Group’s James O’Keefe on Wednesday released new video footage from his investigation into a secret illegal immigrant housing facility in Tucson, Arizona.

Busses that were filled with illegals rolled into the parking lot of the old hotel-turned illegal immigrant facility every 15 minutes, said O’Keefe.

O’Keefe was repeatedly told by law enforcement and security that it was none of his business who was on the bus.

More than 10 million illegals have been let into our country, transported, clothed, and housed at the expense of American citizens on Joe Biden’s watch. One Border Patrol agent at the Lukeville, Arizona border port of entry told The Gateway Pundit that illegals from all over the world turn themselves in at the ports of entry because they know they’ll be given a free pass on Biden’s invitation despite not qualifying for asylum or planning to work in America. “It doesn’t matter,” said the agent.

O’Keefe dressed as a homeless vagrant on the street outside the Ramada Inn in Tucson, where illegals are being housed, in order to obtain information. However, police officers, security, and Sheriff’s deputies did not say what was going on and later threatened to arrest him.

Watch below:

This interaction between @JamesOKeefeIII and @PimaSheriff is a MUST WATCH

Credit: @OKeefeMediapic.twitter.com/CLeCfqINia

— R.C. Maxwell (@BlackHannity) February 8, 2024

O’Keefe also put a hidden camera on what he called a “Mexican illegal immigrant whistleblower” named Ceasar, who went inside the housing facility and discovered

“They get paid no matter what. They rather have more of us here. More money for them,” said one illegal immigrant housed at the facility, according to the video’s transcript. The immigrant also told Ceasar that gang members were traveling in the caravans, and the Casa Alitas program in Tucson was providing them with airplane tickets. “They will ask about gang tattoos, but Border Patrol still lets those people in,” the illegal said to Ceasar

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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