• July 26, 2024

WATCH: Texas AG Ken Paxton Holds Press Conference in Response to House RINOs’ “Deceitful Impeachment Attempt” – He Was Railroaded – Urges Supporters to “Petition Your Government” TOMORROW AT 1 PM

 WATCH: Texas AG Ken Paxton Holds Press Conference in Response to House RINOs’ “Deceitful Impeachment Attempt” – He Was Railroaded – Urges Supporters to “Petition Your Government” TOMORROW AT 1 PM

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton spoke in a press conference Friday to respond to Texas House RINOs’ “illegal impeachment scheme” with no due process.

Paxton accused the participants in the attempted impeachment of “political theater” and concluded, “this shameful process was curated from the start as an act of political retribution.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Texas House on Friday announced it will vote on a resolution to impeach highly popular Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday, May 27, at 1 pm local time.

JUST IN: Texas House Announces It will Vote on Resolution to Impeach Highly Popular Attorney General Ken Paxton Tomorrow at 1 PM

Many on social media pointed out that Texas Speaker Dade Phelan sounded like he drank too much Bud Light before introducing the resolution on the Texas House floor. Ken Paxton called on Texas Speaker Dade Phelan to resign for “presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication.”

A Texas House Committee full of RINOs on Thursday voted to recommend impeaching Ken Paxton after an investigation into his ‘corruption.’

The 20 articles include “bribery, unfitness for office and abuse of public trust” – according to the Associated Press.

“The claims that have been made by the General Investigating Committee have been thoroughly researched and debunked time and time again,” said Paxton’s Chief of General Litigation, Chris Hilton. “Texans knew about all of these allegations in the last election, and they rejected them by a margin of ten percentage points.”

While serving as Attorney General in Texas Ken Paxton defended 12 lawsuits related to election laws.

Democrats wanted to open the elections to mail-in ballots and ID-free voting and sued Texas to institute these unconstitutional practices in Texas elections. AG Paxton and his staff won every single one of these cases and prevented Democrats from stealing Texas like they were able to do in Georgia and Arizona. Ken has been fighting for free and fair elections in Texas and understands what a huge issue this is in our country today.

These RINOs are deliberately trying to destroy our country by stopping Paxton’s fight against election fraud and the Biden Regime.

Attorney General Paxton told the media, “There is no other state in this country with so much influence over

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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