• July 26, 2024

WATCH: VA House Passes Gun Ban Bill: ‘Taking Your Gun, This Bill Will Do That

 WATCH: VA House Passes Gun Ban Bill: ‘Taking Your Gun, This Bill Will Do That

VA House Gun Ban Bill!

Eric Scheiner , @schineman

The Virginia House of Delegates passed a gun control package Tuesday that would ban the sale of popular weapons like the AR-15 and magazines that hold more than 12 rounds.

GOP Del. Nick Rush spoke out against the measure before the vote, “Both of my sons are Virginia Tech grads, U.S. Army officers, Iraq war veterans. These are the kind of young men that you will call if you were ever in need. Those two young men will be made criminals on 12/31/20 overnight,” he said.

“They have these magazines. They have these style of firearms. And not only those two, those are just examples of the millions of Virginians that will be affected by this bill. Forty percent of Virginians, Madam Speaker, own firearms, and most of the magazines you have will be over twelve rounds. I myself have several firearms in my home and I don’t have any magazines that are under twelve rounds. And so, Madam Speaker, this bill, if you’ve ever said to one of your constituents that I’m not for taking your gun, this bill will do that. If you’ve ever said I’m for the Second Amendment, this bill will infringe on it. “The proposal passed the House 51-48, with all Republicans, and several Democrats voting against the bill. The measure now goes to the VA Senate.

The complete text of HB 961 and the guns and the gun-related items it impacts can be found here.

105 of Virginia’s counties and cities have voted to become “Second Amendment sanctuaries” due to the attacks on gun rights initiated by VA’s Democratic majority of lawmakers.

Virginia Gun Rights Sanctuary

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