• July 26, 2024

WEF Chair Klaus Schwab Spotted In Washington DC Hotel

 WEF Chair Klaus Schwab Spotted In Washington DC Hotel

Greg Price, who serves as the Senior Digital Strategist for X Strategies, LLC , has just reported Klaus Schwab is in Washington DC.

In a tweet, Price tweeted  “A friend of mine was at the Waldorf Astoria in DC (formerly the Trump Hotel) and sent me this picture of Klaus Schwab sitting in the lobby.”


SPOTTED: A friend of mine was at the Waldorf Astoria in DC (formerly the Trump Hotel) and sent me this picture of Klaus Schwab sitting in the lobby lmfao. pic.twitter.com/OuY2GpsRIO

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 30, 2022

Before Price tweeted the photo of Schwab, senior editor of Human Events Jack Posobiec, took to Twitter and asked “Is Klaus Schwab visiting DC right now?”

Is Klaus Schwab visiting DC right now?

— Jack Posobiec

(@JackPosobiec) November 30, 2022

As for right now, it’s unknown why Schwab is in DC.

But it just so happens another notable figure is heading to DC too,  CEO of Apple Tim Cook.

BREAKING REPORT: Apple CEO Tim Cook Headed to DC to speak with Lawmakers…

— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) November 30, 2022

Last week The Gateway Pundit reported Schwab, who sits as the chair of the WEF, received backlash after he praised China as a “role model” for other nations in an interview with CGTN’s Tian Wei.

If you align with the Word Economic Forum, you are an enemy of the free man.

Here is founder Klaus Schwab calling communist China a “role model for many countries”.

Their agenda is extremely clear. pic.twitter.com/I6KaH61GRT

— Dylan LeClair

(@DylanLeClair_) November 24, 2022

Around the same time Schwab made his remarks, mass protests started to erupt in China over the CCP’s extreme Covid isolation measures.

Tanks running in the city center in Xuzhou city, China #chinaprotestpic.twitter.com/N1pKdx7gNg

— FreeChina (@FreeChina_2022) November 28, 2022

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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