• July 26, 2024

What is Wrong with Old Joe? Biden Becomes Totally Incoherent During Interview, Says His Campaign Has “Voter Registration Physicians” (VIDEO)

 What is Wrong with Old Joe? Biden Becomes Totally Incoherent During Interview, Says His Campaign Has “Voter Registration Physicians” (VIDEO)

Is there a doctor in the house?

77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday became totally incoherent during a softball interview with MSNBC and told host Joy Reid his campaign has “voter registration physicians” in the states…to allow for voting in place.

What exactly is a voter registration physician?

“The only thing we can do about it is be prepared. We have a whole group of lawyers who are going out to every polling — every — uh, uh, uh voter registration physician in the state, the secretaries of state…to allow for voting in place.”

Biden went way off the rails. What is wrong with him?


“We have a whole group of lawyers who are going out to every voter registration physician in the states…to allow for voting in place…”

Joe Biden becomes totally incoherent during a softball interview with MSNBC pic.twitter.com/TRpiIEZAuX

— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) July 20, 2020

Biden previously said he is “constantly” tested when asked if he has been tested for cognitive decline.

Biden should release the results of his cognitive tests!

Source: The Gateway Pundit

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